In science fiction novel The Three-Body Problem, the alien Trisolarans send advanced AIs to block the progress of human science until their invasion fleet arrives. The AIs tamper with scientific experiments, such as using particle accelerators to search for the basic building blocks of matter, space and time. Physicists get random results. Believing that the laws of physics vary from place-to-place, they are driven to insanity and suicide.
Searching for nature’s secrets
A grand unified theory of almost everything
The jargon-quantum physics bit
An elegant symmetry
The ‘end of particle physics’
Getting science fictional
The REAL Three-Body Problem
A darker possibility
“Aren’t we lucky that physics didn’t happen to turn out that way, my lord? That in our own time, the laws of physics don’t permit cheap, irresistable superweapons?”
Akon furrowed his brow –
“But my lord,” said the Ship’s Confessor, “do we really know what we think we know? What different evidence would we see, if things were otherwise? After all – if you happened to be a physicist, and you happened to notice an easy way to wreak enormous destruction using off-the-shelf hardware – would you run out and tell you?”
“No,” Akon said. A sinking feeling was dawning in the pit of his stomach. “You would try to conceal the discovery, and create a cover story that discouraged anyone else from looking there.”